Welcome to our NSS Family
Thank you for your interest in the Newnan Southern Stars cheerleading program. We are entering our 23nd year of competitive cheerleading and are excited to have you be a part of it! We offer teams in the Novice, Prep, and Elite divisions and welcome athletes of all ages, skill sets, and levels of experience. The mission of Newnan Southern Stars is to build teamwork, instill confidence, encourage discipline, grow in skills, and compete with integrity.
All Newnan Southern Stars coaches are experienced in all star cheerleading, green light background checked, and Safesport & USASF certified. We take pride in our ability to focus attention and each individual athlete and coach them to their full potential. We teach our athletes to be strong in every area of all-star cheerleading and prioritize strong technique in every skill before moving to the next. We encourage positive attitudes and require that athletes show respect to all coaches and fellow athletes. Our goal is to develop strong athletes while also instilling qualities and values that will last a lifetime.
The Evaluation Process
The evaluation process is not stressful and your athlete should not be nervous. We have a very positive environment and encourage the athletes to just do their best. If mistakes are made, we encourage the athletes to retry the skills until they feel confident with their evaluation and the skills they performed. We do our best to place every athlete on a team, and evaluations are simply an evaluation process to see which team is the best fit for each athlete. No need to worry if your athlete does not have tumbling or stunting experience, we welcome beginners as we will train all the skills needed.
All evaluations will take place on May 11th. During this time, athletes will be evaluated on their tumbling, stunting, and jumps. Athletes will also learn a short dance to demonstrate their ability to learn and perform choreography. Athletes will need to be present for the entire time of the evaluation for their age group. If you are unable to make evaluations on May 11th, please email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to set up a private evaluation for your athlete prior to evaluations on May 11th.
Evaluation Times on May 11th:
- Birth years 2015-2021 – 10:00am - 12:00pm
- Birth years 2005-2014 - 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Which program is best for you? (Novice, Prep, Elite)
Our NOVICE program is a great way to introduce athletes to competitive cheerleading with a lower time and financial commitment. Our novice program is specifically designed for younger athletes, with birth years 2017-2021. Novice teams will learn and perform a 1.5 minute routine composed of tumbling, stunts, jumps, and dance choreography. Our Novice teams practice 1 hour per week and will participate in our program showcase, and 3 local competitions from November-March. Novice teams will not be ranked against other teams, but will receive a score with judges feedback and an Outstanding, Excellent, or Superior rating.
Our PREP program is a great beginner level program that allows athletes to compete against other teams, but requires less time and financial commitment than our Elite program. Prep teams will learn and compete a 2 minute routine composed of tumbling, stunts, jumps, and dance choreography. Prep teams will practice 3 hours per week, and will also receive a 1 hour weekly tumbling class as a part of their tuition. Prep teams will participate in the program showcase, and will compete in 5 local competitions from November-March.
Our ELITE program is for intermediate/advanced athletes and requires a higher level of commitment. This is a great program for athletes who are dedicated to the sport and are wanting to compete with and against the best of the best. Our Elite teams will learn and compete a 2.5 minute routine composed of tumbling, stunts, jumps, and dance choreography. They will practice 5 hours per week, and will also receive a 1 hour weekly tumbling class as a part of their tuition. Elite teams will participate in the program showcase, compete in 5 local competitions, 2 out of state competitions, and possibly attend an end of the season event if a bid is received. The end of the season event could be local or out of state, depending on the bid received.
Novice Pricing
(Only for birth years 2017-2021)
Immediately upon registering for your athlete’s selected team:
Registration Fee: $60
Membership Fee: $250
Prorated May Tuition: TBD
***Registration Fee & Membership Fee will go up after May 31st, 2024
Months June - November
$200 a month
(Early Bird Discount - $25 off if paid before the 1st of the upcoming month)
Loyalty Discount - All athletes who have been in the program since May 2023 and register for a 2024-2025 competitive team by May 18th, 2024 will receive $100 off of their June payment.
Months December - March
$120 a month
(Early Bird Discount - $15 off if paid before the 1st of the upcoming month)
Your monthly payment includes a 1 hour weekly team practice, competition fees (program showcase and 3 competitions), choreography, music, competition uniform, cheer shoes, and a program t-shirt.
***Returning Athletes - if you do not need any new items (such as cheer shoes) then the cost for those will be deducted from November
Other Important Information:
- Each athlete will be required to pay a $49 membership fee directly to USASF for their athlete membership.
- Each athlete will be required to pay $50 into a team fund for team goodie bags and gifts that will be given to the athletes at each competition. This will be managed by the team mom for each team.
- All athletes have the option to purchase warm ups if they would like, but purchasing warm ups is not mandatory. These warm ups are the same as the 23-24 season, so your athlete will not need to purchase new ones if their current warm ups fit.
- Warm Up Jacket: $93
- Warm Up Pants: $32
- Payment Due: July
Prep Pricing
(birth years 2005 - 2019)
Immediately upon registering for your athlete’s selected team:
Registration Fee: $60
Membership Fee: $300
Prorated May Tuition: TBD
***Registration Fee & Membership Fee will go up after May 31st, 2024
Months June - November
$413 a month
(Early Bird Discount - $40 off if paid before the 1st of the upcoming month)
Loyalty Discount - All athletes who have been in the program since May 2023 and register for a 2024-2025 competitive team by May 18th, 2024 will receive $100 off of their June payment.
Months December - March
$225 a month
(Early Bird Discount - $25 off if paid before the 1st of the upcoming month)
Your monthly payment includes 3 hours of weekly team practice, a 1 hour weekly tumbling class, competition fees (program showcase and 5 competitions), choreography, music, competition uniform, cheer shoes, 2 practice sets, cheer bookbag, and a program t-shirt.
***Returning Athletes - if you do not need any new items (such as competition uniform, cheer shoes or a bookbag) then the cost for those will be deducted from November
Other Important Information:
- Each athlete will be required to pay a $49 membership fee directly to USASF for their athlete membership.
- Each athlete will be required to pay $50 into a team fund for team goodie bags and gifts that will be given to the athletes at each competition. This will be managed by the team mom for each team.
- Returning athletes will not need to purchase a new competition uniform if they have a Novice/Prep competition uniform from the 23-24 season that still fits. They will also not need to purchase a new bookbag or pair of cheer shoes if theirs from the previous season are still in good condition.
- All athletes have the option to purchase warm ups if they would like, but purchasing warm ups is not mandatory. These warm ups are a new design and we will show a photo of the design before the order deadline. Pricing information for warm ups is listed below:
- Warm Up Jacket: $93
- Warm Up Pants: $32
- Payment Due: July
(birth years 2005 - 2019)
Immediately upon registering for your athlete’s selected team:
Registration Fee: $60
Membership Fee: $300
Prorated May Tuition: TBD
***Registration Fee & Membership Fee will go up after May 31st, 2024
Months June - November
$630 a month
(Early Bird Discount - $56 off if paid before the 1st of the upcoming month)
Loyalty Discount - All athletes who have been in the program since May 2023 and register for a 2024-2025 competitive team by May 18th, 2024 will receive $100 off of their June payment.
Months December - April
$245 a month
(Early Bird Discount - $25 off if paid before the 1st of the upcoming month)
Your monthly payment includes 5 hours of weekly team practice, a 1 hour weekly tumbling class, competition fees (program showcase and 7 competitions), choreography, music, competition uniform, cheer shoes, 2 practice sets, cheer bookbag, and a program t-shirt.
***Returning Athletes - if you do not need any new items (such as cheer shoes or a bookbag) then the cost for those will be deducted from November
Other Important Information:
- Each athlete will be required to pay a $49 membership fee directly to USASF for their athlete membership.
- Each athlete will be required to pay $50 into a team fund for team goodie bags and gifts that will be given to the athletes at each competition. This will be managed by the team mom for each team.
- Returning athletes will not need to purchase a new competition uniform if they have an Elite competition uniform from the 22-23 season that still fits. They will also not need to purchase a new bookbag or pair of cheer shoes if theirs from the previous season are still in good condition.
- All athletes have the option to purchase warm ups if they would like, but purchasing warm ups is not mandatory. These warm ups are a new design and we will show a photo of the design before the order deadline. Pricing information for warm ups is listed below:
- Warm Up Jacket: $93
- Warm Up Pants: $32
- Payment Due: July
- All accounts will be charged on the morning of the 1st of the month with the early bird discount. If the payment does not go through, the early bird discount will be removed from your account.
- If you would like to pay cash or check, you will need to do so prior to the 1st of the month. Please keep in mind that our office hours are Monday-Thursday 1pm-8pm and the office will be closed on holidays.
- Monthly payments will be accepted up until the 9th of the month. If the balance has not been paid by the 10th of the month, your athlete will not be able to participate in practices.
- If your account still has a balance on the 18th of the month, your athlete will be removed from the team and a re-choreography fee will be charged.
- Pricing is subject to change based on team size and other factors.
Parent Code Of Conduct
Parents play a huge role in the development of a successful cheerleader. Your role is every bit as important as that of the gym, coaches and the athlete. The following actions and ideas are expected of NSS parents.
- A cheerleader's parents are an instrumental contributor to their success and happiness, Tuition must be paid on time and a commitment to transport your cheerleader to and from workouts must be made. In addition and equally important, parents must help instill work ethic, values and provide support for your cheerleader to be successful.
- If you need to get a message to your cheerleader during practice, please respect our mobile device policy of no phones during practice. If a message must be relayed to them during practice please talk to the office staff and they will relay the message.
- Parents are only permitted to watch practices from the gym lobby.
- We feel that communication with the parents of our cheer athletes should be open and flowing. We will communicate all important information via email, phone, or BAND app.
- Parents are always expected and encouraged to show proper respect for our sport. Rude, belittling, or negative comments about coaches, parents, and other cheerleaders are always inappropriate and have no place at NSS. If you have an issue or concern, please email [email protected]. We ask that you please trust and have enough faith in us to come to us and allow us to handle the situation. Please keep this about the athletes.
- Be encouraging and positive to your child. Be careful of comparisons, because each child is an individual with different talents and capabilities.
- Please be on time to pick your cheerleader up after practice, no athlete should be dropped off or picked up more than 10 mins before, or after, their set practice time. Your child is required to be at every scheduled practice that will be set by the coaches. This is not limited to extra practices that may be set up during the season.
- Please refrain from using cheer as a punishment for your athlete as cheer is a team sport and this affects the entire team. Missing practice as a punishment will be considered an unexcused absence.
- If for some reason your child decides to leave the cheer program or is asked to leave based on not complying with the set rules for this program, you will still be held responsible for the expense payment portions that are set by NSS.
- Coaches' decisions are made with the best interest of everyone in mind. For example, not everyone will be a flyer. That is unrealistic. All positions are equally important. Please trust the coach's decision.
- Questioning your athletes coach is both inappropriate and unacceptable. Every decision is based on what is in the best interest of the ENTIRE team. Unless you feel like your child is in physical danger, please refrain from questioning the coaches' intentions.
- Not only are athletes representing NSS, but so are parents. Any social media posts reflecting negatively on NSS, NSS coaches, or NSS athletes are prohibited and are grounds for dismissal.
- There may be times where NSS or an NSS coach may request to have a meeting with you regarding your athlete. These meetings are mandatory and must take place within 5 days of the request.
- No food inside the gym. Only spill proof water bottles please.
Any violation to this code of conduct could result in a request for a meeting or the immediate dismissal of your athlete from the program.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is mandatory and vital to a successful team. Below is the number of unexcused absences allowed per season per program. Excused absences include sickness with a fever or a doctor's note, a death in the family, or a pre planned vacation that has been approved by your athlete’s coach via an absence request form that will need to be turned in 30 days prior to the absence.
Novice: 4 unexcused absences per season
Prep: 3 unexcused absences per season
Elite: 2 unexcused absences per season
Any number of unexcused absences beyond this will result in a request to have a meeting regarding the future of your athlete’s placement on the team. Tardies to competitions count as an unexcused absence.
Athlete Name ______________________________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________
Date ______________
Athlete Code Of Conduct
- I will live up to high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship and always pursue victory with honor; I will do what's right even when it's unpopular or personally costly.
- I will live and compete honorably; I won’t lie, cheat, steal or engage in any other dishonest or unsportsmanlike conduct.
- I will be loyal to my program and team and put the team above personal glory.
- I will treat all coaches and fellow athletes with respect.
- I will live and play with class and be a good sport. I will be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity; give fallen opponents help and compliment extraordinary performance.
- Participation in sports is a privilege, not a right and I will represent my gym, coaches and teammates with honor, on and off the mat. This includes social media. Any inappropriate behavior or negative posts regarding NSS, an NSS coach, or an NSS athlete are strictly prohibited. This includes provocative dance (in or out of uniform), the use of or mouthing of foul language or inappropriate sayings, or gossip.
- I will be held accountable for how I talk to my teammates over text messages and understand that there will be consequences for talking negatively to or about my teammates.
- I will work hard and try my best all the time.
- I will listen to my coaches and try to make corrections as soon as they are given.
- I will wear the appropriate practice wear as it is intended to be worn and have my hair up and cheer shoes on before the start of practice.
- I will do the choreography that has been given to me and will not add or take away from it without permission from a coach.
- I will not use foul language or negative words towards my coaches or teammates.
- I will be honest and truthful about injuries and will notify a coach immediately if an injury occurs.
- I will not talk negatively about or gossip about my teammates.
- I will be responsible for making sure I am prepared and have everything I need with me for practices and competitions.
- I will speak to my coach immediately (at the end of the practice) or request a meeting with my parents and the office if I have any negative thoughts or feel unhappy about an issue at practice/competition.
I understand that any violations to any of these above points could result in a meeting with my parents and repeated violations could result in my dismissal from the team.
Athlete Name____________________________
Athlete Signature_________________________ Date_________________
Parent Name____________________________
Parent Signature_________________________ Date_________________